Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Love Day

 Today, I am saying....

Tonight is my weight in at Weight Watchers. No, no chocolates. Yes, yes veggies. And bad me for drinking diet pop instead of water so far today.    Why diet pop instead of regular pop? It's not because I'm a Weight Watchers member. It's because of the amount of sugar in pop. I stopped drinking regular pop when I was a teen. Yes, I know the chemicals in diet pop are just as bad. I'm not allowing myself chocolate and I haven't had a chip since November. I have to give myself something!

V-Day is not a complete bust in our Weight Watchers household. A certain little 3-year-old (almost 4!) took Lightning McQueen cards and homemade crayon hearts to pre-school this morning.
These ones aren't mine. Unknown source. But mine are just as pretty. I was just too lazy too upload the picture off the camera yet.

I also have a little display of V-Day goodies for my little Valentine when he comes home from school. The tiniest Valentine just gets extra cuddles since he's only 5 months old.

Hope you have a great day!

Friday, February 11, 2011


I've neglected this blog again. I'll post my Project Life pictures tomorrow again. Not all of them. That would just be too much. Maybe just from this past week with a few favourites thrown in for good measure.

Here's what we've been up to lately:

 Lots of cute-ness from Muffin (aka Wee Man. His nickname had to change at some point. Although he's still very tiny, he's grown a lot)

Lots of playing with new toys. Someone is finally big enough for his exersaucer. A Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa.

 Lots of baby wearing. See that itty bitty? That itty bitty is 5 months old now. And wearing clothes his big brother wore when he was 3 months old. He's fastly outgrowing his pants in length. His 3-6 months pants just barely cover his long legs. Yet as soon as you hold him up, they fall right off. His waist is a 0-3 month wasit. His 0-3 month pants look like shorts on him though. Even one pieces look silly on him. There's so much fabric, he gets losts. I'm so not used to a small, long baby. Monkey, although skinny too, was much bigger. He was wearing 9 month clothing by 5 months. 12 month clothing by 7 months. I've come to accept I shall never have one of those chubby babies full of cute rolls. My boys are baby sweet in their own ways.

I managed to get some scrapping done. Yay!

 New You - Muffin when he was only a few days old.

Baby of Mine - Love how this one turned out. These pictures have been waiting to be scrapped for a month now.

2 Cute - My boys! How I love them!

Squeeze Hug - Monkey and Charlie. These two are quite the pair. I love this line by Basic Grey!

And now I hear the cries of a certain little Muffin Man.
Until next time...